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Saturday, 8 May 2010

Why .tel?

Domainvestors.tv - Why .tel? from Domainvestor on Vimeo.

In this video I discuss the reasons why I think .tel domains could be a good investment. While .tel may never be successful in the Domaining world, I have reason to believe this will be a success in the business world.

.tel is the first time I have seen Domainers close their mind to a new idea so quickly. I think the reason for this is simple – .tel is not a TLD for Domainers. We are oftentimes afraid of what we do not know, or what we do not understand. Look at Alexander Graham Bell – when he first invented the telephone many people were terrified of the new device. It is easy to be afraid of what we do not understand, but closing your mind might only cause you miss-out on an incredible opportunity.

I share some great quotes from a recent post by Kevin Jackson of ebusinessdomains.com.

Along with my own thoughts on .tel I have included an on-screen demo of how to configure your .tel domain as well as an example of a strong application for .tel – cancel.tel.



  1. Sure, I understand all your points.

    TEL domain is for myself, a good investment.

    But I have 160+ TEL domains, and what is "good" there is maybe 50% of those TEL domains, as I use them as landing pages for our other advertisement and other domains.

    But as a matter of fact, TEL domain expense is too high for the purpose which I have on them.

    I could as well purchase .INFO or .COM domains and some hosting, and that would be less expensive than TEL domain.

    That is exactly what I am doing now. Instead of "TEL investment", which has failed for many reasons, it is much cheaper to work with normal domains, without a burden of TEL API, and lack of tools for true TEL domain management.

